Constituted in 1713, the San Marco Marine Brigade has inherited the secular and glorious traditions of the Italian naval infantry which, during the military history of modern Italy, has played a key role in the most daring actions and battles distinguishing itself for valor, spirit of sacrifice and self-denial.

Lo sbarco anfibio - fotoritocco su scatto di Massimo Sestini 

Along with the three modern LPD (Landing Platform Dock) vessels: San Marco, San Giorgio and San Giusto, today the Landing Force represents the amphibian component of the Italian Armed Forces. Due to its mobility and flexibility of employment, this Brigade can be quickly deployed to the four corners of the world.

In the recent past the San Marco Marine Brigade has taken part in all the Italian peace-keeping missions : from Lebanon to the Persian Gulf, from Somalia to Bosnia, from Kosovo to Albania and in the waters off Eritrea during the war with Ethiopia.